Clash Revamp: Riot Games Announces Reduced Tournament Frequency and Reward System Overhaul for League of Legends

Clash Revamp

Riot Games, creators of the popular online game "League of Legends," has recently revealed updates to the Clash tournaments for the rest of 2023. The new plan is to reduce the frequency of Clash, dropping from 20 weekends in 2022 to 14 weekends in 2023, according to an official post on the company's website.

"We’ve made the decision to reduce the cadence of Clash down to roughly one tournament per month (with 2 Clash days per tournament)," the post stated. This strategic move is anticipated to result in a greater number of participants per Clash, thereby improving each tournament's competitiveness and quality.

Further updates focus on the rewards system. Riot Games plans to motivate teams to stay in the tournament longer, despite early losses, by tweaking the distribution of Clash Capsule and Orb rewards. Instead of basing rewards on placement, they will now be determined by total wins throughout the tournament.

In a breakdown of the revamped rewards, players who experience 3 wins and 0 losses can expect to receive a variety of rewards including a 640 Ward Skin, a 975 Skin Shard, a 1350 Skin Shard, a Mastery Icon, a Mystery Emote, a Chibi Icon, a Clash Logo, and a Basic Ticket. For those who fare less successfully with 0 wins and 3 losses, rewards will consist of a 3 Win XP Boost, a Mastery Icon, and a Clash Logo.

Additionally, in consideration of the reduced number of tournaments per year, Riot Games will adjust the amount of Victory Points (VP) players receive. Victory Points, which are still based on placement within each Clash tournament, will be doubled, while the amount of VP required for each reward will remain unchanged.

"Our goal is that this reduction in quantity will lead to an increase in quality of each tournament making for an overall better experience," the Riot Games post explained.

With these changes, Riot Games aims to improve player experience in Clash tournaments. "League of Legends" players can look forward to these updates and continue to enjoy the vibrant competition offered in the game's arena.

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