How to Change Region in LoL: 2023 Guide

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Welcome to the ultimate guide on how to change region in LoL for 2023! If you've ever wondered whether the grass is greener on the other side—well, in terms of League of Legends servers, that is—then you're in the right place.

Switching regions might seem like a breeze, but there's more to it than meets the eye. From the official Riot process to hidden costs and the gameplay nuances that await you, we're breaking it all down.

So whether you're looking to play with friends from another region, or you're curious about how the meta varies around the world, trust this comprehensive guide to give you all the insights you need.

Let's get started!

Steps to Change Your LoL Region

Great, you're ready to switch regions in League of Legends (LoL), but you're not quite sure how to do it.

Trust me, whether you're relocating or just trying to play with friends from another part of the world, the process can be a bit tricky. Yet, it doesn't have to be a maze.

As a respected LoL expert who's gone through this a few times, let me break down the steps for you:

  1. Log in to LoL Client: Open the client and sign in to your account.
  2. Head to Store: Click on the "Store" tab at the top-right corner.
  3. Purchase a Server Transfer: Navigate to the "Account" section within the Store. Here, you can purchase a server transfer for a certain amount of RP (Riot Points).
  4. Select New Region: You'll see a list of available regions. Pick your desired one.
  5. Confirm Transfer: After selecting, click "confirm" to initiate the process. You'll be logged out automatically.
  6. Log Back In: Re-enter your credentials. You'll be prompted to log in to the new region.
  7. Check Server: Finally, once you’re in, head to the settings to ensure your region has been updated.

Remember, each step is crucial. Skipping one could lead to unnecessary hiccups. This is a useful and straightforward guide, so you don't end up scratching your head or, worse, getting stuck in a server you didn't intend to be on.

In the next sections, we'll dig into Riot's official process, using a VPN, and other vital aspects of changing your LoL region. Stay tuned!

Riot's Official Process

You're interested in Riot's official route for a server switch, right? Trust their method; it's the most reliable. But let's get into the nitty-gritty, step by step:

  1. Go to Account Management: Head over to Riot Games' official website and log in. Navigate to the 'Account' section.
  2. Find Server Change Option: Within 'Account Management,' there should be a 'Region and Language' tab. Click it.
  3. Check Eligibility: Some restrictions may apply based on your account's age or recent transfers. Make sure you're eligible.
  4. Proceed with Transfer: If you're eligible, you can purchase the transfer using RP or sometimes even Blue Essence during special events.
  5. Confirm: Review your choice, then click "Confirm." You'll be logged out and redirected to the new server.
  6. Verification: Riot often sends a verification email. Confirm it to finalize the switch.

It's a respectable and safe process, endorsed by Riot. Any LoL expert would recommend following the official procedure to avoid complications. Keep reading to learn about alternative methods and other essential aspects.

Using a VPN

Ah, the VPN route—an alternative that many consider, but not without its caveats. Trust me, I've explored this method in my quest to conquer multiple servers.

When you're using a VPN to change your region in LoL, you're essentially masking your IP address to mimic a location in your desired region. But before you jump into this, know that Riot doesn't officially endorse this method.


Because it can lead to unexpected errors and latency issues that can seriously affect your gameplay.

Although it sounds tempting and even cost-effective, let me give it to you straight: using a VPN is a gamble.

It might work in the short term but could result in longer-term problems like account locks or unreliable connections.

If you're serious about League and you respect your in-game progress, this method may not be the most useful choice.

For those who proceed, use trusted, high-quality VPN services. Cheap or sketchy VPNs can make the experience even worse.

So, if you're choosing the VPN path, go with a reputable service to minimize risks.

Stay tuned for the nitty-gritty on game progress, costs, and other factors involved in changing your region.

Impacts on Game Progress and Data

Let's cut to the chase: changing your region in LoL isn't just a simple swap; it can have a real impact on your game progress and data.

Your friends list, for example, won't make the journey with you. So if you're part of a tight-knit squad, be prepared to say temporary farewells.

Your RP (Riot Points) will carry over, but in-game items purchased in a specific region might not be accessible in your new home.

Don't worry; they'll still be there if you ever switch back. However, your ELO and ranked data will be reset, requiring you to re-climb the ladder.

For respected players who have invested hundreds of hours into competitive modes, this could be a significant setback.

Here's a useful tip: make sure to check the terms of service and FAQs. Riot sometimes changes the rules, and as a LoL expert who's been through the wringer,

I can assure you, it pays to stay updated. Stay tuned for what else you should know.

Costs Associated with Region Change

Sure, switching regions sounds exciting, but let's talk costs. Riot typically charges a fee for server transfers, paid in Riot Points (RP).

As of 2023, the cost hovers around 2,600 RP. If you're lucky, you might catch a sale or special event that offers discounted or even free transfers, but those are rare.

Consider it an investment. Trust me, if you’re serious about making the move, you'll want to budget for this.

No respectable LoL expert would advise dodging the official route to save a few bucks—it's a shortcut that often leads to headaches. So, keep your RP at the ready and plan accordingly. Stay with me; there’s more useful info coming up.

Verifying Your New Region

Alright, you've pulled the trigger and changed regions. What's next? Verification. Trust me, you don't want to start grinding games before ensuring you're actually in your new home server.

Log in to your LoL client and head to the settings. Under the 'About' tab, you should see your new region listed. Riot may also send a verification email, so check your inbox and confirm the change.

It's a quick yet crucial step that cements your move and lets you play with peace of mind. Keep reading; we’re not done yet!

Risk of Account Locks

Ah, the dreaded risk of account locks—a topic you can't afford to ignore. If you're following Riot's official process, the chance of your account getting locked is minimal. However, if you opted for the VPN route, tread cautiously.

Riot has systems to detect abnormal activity, and suddenly logging in from a different continent might raise a red flag.

In worst-case scenarios, the account you’ve invested so much in could be temporarily or even permanently locked. So, respect the game and its policies.

Listen to this expert advice: If you value your account, stick to trusted methods and be ready to prove your identity if questioned by Riot. Keep scrolling; there's more to explore.

Reversing a Region Change

Change of heart? No worries; reversing a region change is possible, but there are caveats.

For starters, you'll need to pay the transfer fee again.

Second, remember that any new friends or in-game items acquired in your temporary region won't travel back with you. While your original ELO and ranked data will be restored, you'll lose any progress made in the new region.

Don't overlook this—if you've climbed the ranked ladder or built a decent friends list, weigh your options carefully.

Reversing a server change isn't a simple undo; it's a recalibration. Keep reading for more insights.

Optimal Server Choice: Why It Matters

Look, I can't stress this enough: choosing the right server is about more than just playing with friends or dodging trolls—it affects your entire League experience.

We're talking latency, the quality of your matches, and even the meta that you'll encounter.

Low ping is crucial for nailing those skill shots and making split-second plays that can win or lose a game.

You want a server where your connection is smooth as butter. Regional metas can differ significantly too.

North America's meta might be all about aggressive laning, while Korean servers may focus more on team plays and objectives.

Don't just jump servers because your friends are there; choose wisely based on your gameplay style and your location's proximity to the server.

Trust me, it's a decision that demands respect, not just from you but also from the quality of games you'll get.

Keep scrolling; we'll dive into how your server choice impacts gameplay next.

Gameplay Impact

Alright, let's get down to the nitty-gritty: gameplay impact. You might think a server's just a server, but listen to an expert who's battled across regions: the experience varies, and you'll feel it.

Changing regions can be like entering a new League universe where the champions picked and strategies employed might be entirely different. It's not just about adapting to different metas; it's also about the pace and style of the game itself.

You'll need to relearn player tendencies, optimal jungle routes, and even champion power spikes based on local preferences.

So when you switch, you're not just changing location; you're diving into a new realm of gameplay. Trust me, it's a game-changer!

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