How to Dodge in League of Legends

Queue dodging guide's thumbnail

Playing League of Legends well isn't just about skill; it's also about making smart decisions. For example, knowing when to avoid a game.

This guide explores dodging in different game modes like Normal, Ranked, and ARAM. It covers the reasons and penalties for dodging.

If you're up against a tough opponent, dealing with negative teammates, or in a bad situation, learning to dodge can make your gaming better.

In League of Legends, you can make better choices in the game by using this information.

Queue Dodging Guide

In League of Legends, avoiding queues can be a smart move. This is especially true when dealing with tough opponents or unexpected problems while choosing champions.

If you're considering this option, it's crucial to know how to execute it effectively.

  1. Be Decisive: As soon as you realize the need to dodge, it's essential to act swiftly. Hesitation can lead to missing the opportunity, as you have a limited time window to make this decision.
  2. In the Champion Select Screen: This is where dodging takes place. If you're in the lobby and decide that dodging is the best course of action, proceed to the next step.
  3. Exiting the Game: To dodge, you exit the champion select screen. This can be done by closing the League of Legends client entirely or by clicking the 'X' at the top right corner of the screen. Remember, there's no specific 'dodge' button; exiting the lobby is the way to dodge.
  4. Re-Launch League of Legends: After dodging, you'll need to restart the game client. This is necessary to re-enter the game environment and queue again if desired.
  5. Understand the Consequences: Be aware that dodging comes with penalties, such as a small LP loss in ranked games and a time penalty before you can queue again. These penalties escalate with repeated dodging.

By following these steps, you can effectively dodge a game in League of Legends.

However, it's important to use this tactic sparingly and consider its impacts on your gaming experience and that of others.

When Should You Dodge?

In League of Legends, deciding when to dodge depends on considering the possible loss or a bad game.

A key moment for considering a dodge is during champion select, particularly if you observe unfavourable team compositions. This might mean your team needs more crucial roles like a tank or support, or the enemy team has a significantly stronger lineup.

Another compelling reason to dodge is encountering toxicity or conflict among teammates during champion select.

This early negativity often spills over into the game, diminishing the chances of a cohesive team effort and a positive experience.

You should also consider dodging if you're matched against a champion that counters yours heavily, reducing your ability to impact the game effectively.

Similarly, if you find yourself in a role or with a champion you're not comfortable with, dodging can save you from a challenging game where your performance might be suboptimal.

Queue Dodging Penalties

Dodging in League of Legends incurs penalties, including a time ban from re-queuing and potential loss of League Points (LP) in ranked games.

Each game mode carries its unique set of repercussions for dodging, tailored to its specific environment and stakes.

Queue Dodging in Normal Games

In normal games, dodging has escalating penalties.

The first dodge results in a 6-minute queue penalty, serving as a mild deterrent.

If you dodge again, the penalty jumps significantly to a 30-minute wait before you can queue up once more.

A third dodge within a short time frame leads to a substantial 720-minute (12 hours) queue penalty.

The consequences increase to discourage dodging often, but still allow strategic use sometimes.

Queue Dodging in Ranked Games

In ranked games, dodging has bigger penalties than in normal games because they are more competitive.

A first-time dodge results in a 6-minute queue penalty coupled with a 5 League Points (LP) loss, impacting your ranking slightly.

A second dodge increases the stakes, imposing a 30-minute queue penalty and a heftier 15 LP loss.

Should you dodge a third time, the queue penalty escalates to a substantial 720 minutes (12 hours), along with another 15 LP deduction.

These penalties underscore the importance of thoughtful decision-making in ranked queues.

Queue Dodging in ARAM Games

In ARAM (All Random All Mid) games, dodging penalties is designed to maintain the quick and casual nature of this game mode.

For the first dodge, players face a 15-minute queue penalty and lose any rerolls they used during champion selection.

A second dodge doubles the queue penalty to 30 minutes, again accompanied by the loss of used rerolls.

A third dodge results in a significant 720-minute (12 hours) queue penalty, and just like the previous instances, players lose all used rerolls.

They use these penalties to stop dodging and keep ARAM matches fast and random.

Ready Check Failures

If you fail the Ready Check in Ranked queues, there will be consequences. These consequences are meant to encourage you to pay attention and be prepared.

Initially, declining or missing the Ready Check too many times results in a 6-minute ban from all queues, along with a loss of 3 League Points (LP).

If this behaviour continues, the penalty intensifies, leading to a loss of 10 LP for each subsequent missed Ready Check.

Alongside the increased LP penalty, the length of the timed queue ban also extends with each miss.

These measures aim to ensure players are actively engaged and ready to play when they enter the Ranked queue, maintaining a smooth and efficient matchmaking process.

Ethical Considerations

Queue dodging in League of Legends presents an ethical dilemma due to its dual-sided nature.

While it can be a strategic choice to avoid unfavourable games, excessive dodging adversely impacts teammates by prolonging their wait times.

Additionally, frequent dodging leads to personal LP losses and time penalties, ultimately hindering your progress and experience in the game.

Balancing strategic needs with fairness to teammates and personal gaming goals is key.

Accidental vs Intentional Failures

Understanding and improving your gaming experience in League of Legends relies on distinguishing accidental and intentional dodges.

Here are some tips to help recognize the difference:

  • Timing of the Dodge: Accidental dodges often occur randomly, possibly due to connectivity issues or real-life interruptions. In contrast, intentional dodges are usually timed strategically, often at the end of champion select when a player has assessed the team compositions.
  • Frequency of Dodges: Repeated dodges in a short time frame often signal intentional behaviour, especially if they follow patterns like unfavourable matchups. Accidental dodges are typically sporadic and less frequent.
  • Player Behavior Prior to Dodge: Monitor the pre-dodge chat. Intentional dodgers might express dissatisfaction with team picks or matchups. Accidental dodgers usually don't show signs of discontent before the dodge occurs.
  • Consistency with Past Behavior: If a player has a history of dodging under specific conditions (like certain bans or picks), it's likely intentional. Accidental dodges don't follow a discernible pattern.
  • Reaction Post-Dodge: Intentional dodgers often do not show surprise or inquire about the dodge as they expect it. Accidental dodgers may return to the game surprised or confused, seeking clarification on what happened.

By recognizing these signs, you can understand your dodging habits and those of others. This will help you make better decisions in your League of Legends games.

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