How to Play ADC in League of Legends

How to play ADC in League of Legends thumbnail

The Attack Damage Carry role is one of the most important positions in League of Legends. As an ADC main, I know how this role can decide games with its consistent damage output and late-game power.

This guide covers everything you need to succeed in the bot lane.

Champion Selection

ADC champions fall into 4 main categories:

  • All-In ADCs: These champions have strong burst damage ultimates and work well with crowd control supports. Examples: Kalista, Miss Fortune, Zeri
  • Poke ADCs: These champions use long-range abilities to harass opponents. Examples: Ashe, Ezreal, Jhin, Varus
  • Hyper Carries: These champions scale extremely well into late game. Examples: Jinx, Kog'Maw, Tristana, Vayne
  • Lane Bullies: These champions dominate early game with strong base damage. Examples: Caitlyn, Draven, Lucian

Choose a champion that matches your playstyle. I recommend using the LoLTheory tool to help pick the best champion and optimize your item builds throughout the game.

ADC Laning Phase Fundamentals

Your priorities during laning:

  1. Last hit as many minions as possible
  2. Be present for Dragon attempts
  3. Avoid dying

Good positioning is crucial. Understanding auto-attack ranges gives you an advantage - practice attacking from the maximum distance.

Champions like Caitlyn can punish enemies with their long range, while champions like Lucian need to close gaps aggressively.

Power Spikes and Item Builds

ADCs get power spikes mainly from completing items. Your biggest spike comes from finishing your Mythic item (Galeforce, Immortal Shieldbow, or Kraken Slayer).

Key stats for ADCs include:

  • Attack Damage
  • Attack Speed
  • Critical Strike Chance
  • Life Steal
  • Armor Penetration
  • Movement Speed

Situational items include Manamune, Maw of Malmortius, Guardian Angel, and Mercurial Scimitar. Some ADCs like Sivir may build Lethality for ability-based damage.

Teamfight Positioning

After laning phase, your responsibilities are:

  1. Farm as much as possible (including jungle camps when appropriate)
  2. Show up for important fights and objectives

In teamfights, position in your team's backline. Stay alive as long as possible to output maximum damage. Attack the closest target while staying safe from the enemy backline.

Poor positioning causes most ADC deaths, so always be aware of where you stand.

Pro Tips

Here are some pro tips that can be useful for beginners:

  1. Avoid First-Picking: Wait to pick your champion to avoid getting countered
  2. Learn an AP Champion: Add flexibility with picks like Ziggs, Karthus, or Swain
  3. Optimize Your Builds: Use proper runes and items for your champion
  4. Do not Play Draven: He's extremely difficult to face for new ADC players
  5. Master Wave Management: Learn when to push, freeze, or slow push
  6. Practice Farming: Perfect your last hitting, especially under tower
  7. Pick for Synergy: Choose ADCs that work well with your support's pick

Following these principles has helped me climb quickly and improve my ADC gameplay. The most important skills are positioning, farming, and knowing your champion's power spikes.

Remember that ADC is a role that rewards patience and good decision-making. Focus on staying alive and dealing consistent damage rather than making flashy plays.

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