How to Play Jungle LoL: A Simple Guide for Beginners

How to play jungle thumbnail

You want to learn how to play jungle LoL? Here's everything you need to know to start winning games as a jungler.

First, pick the right champion. Start with easy junglers like Warwick, Amumu, or Vi. These champions can clear camps without dying and have simple gank setups.

Learn the basics of jungling:

  1. Start at either Red buff or Blue buff with help from your teammates
  2. Clear camps in a path - go from buff to buff
  3. Keep an eye on your health while fighting monsters
  4. Use Smite on large monsters to secure them faster
  5. Back to base when low on health to avoid dying to camps

Ganking tips for success:

  1. Look for enemies who are pushed up in lane
  2. Check if the enemy has Flash before ganking
  3. Use a sweeper to check for wards
  4. Help lanes that are winning or even
  5. Don't waste time on failed ganks

Important objectives you need to secure:

  • Dragons give permanent buffs to your team
  • Rift Herald helps you destroy towers
  • Baron gives a strong buff after 20 minutes
  • Scuttle Crab provides vision in river

Key things to remember:

I always check the minimap every few seconds. This helps me spot gank opportunities and track the enemy jungler.

I use pings to communicate with my team about ganks and objectives. Good communication wins games.

I mute toxic players who blame me for their mistakes. This helps me stay focused on winning.

If the enemy jungler shows up top, I take Dragon. If they show bot, I take Herald. Trading objectives keeps us in the game.

Practice clearing camps in the Practice Tool before playing real games. This will help you learn efficient pathing and stay healthy in the jungle.

Remember - playing jungle gets easier with practice. Focus on the basics first, and you'll improve naturally over time.

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