How to Play Top in League of Legends

How to play top lane in League of Legends thumbnail

Top lane in League of Legends is a solo lane that requires skill, game knowledge, and good decision-making.

I will explain everything you need to know to play top lane well.

Champion Selection

Top lane is a 1v1 lane, so you need champions that work well alone.

Top lane has many options including tanks like Sion and Ornn, fighters like Darius and Jax, bruisers like Garen and Irelia, and even some ranged champions like Teemo and Quinn.

Most top laners use Flash and Teleport as summoner spells. Teleport helps you get back to lane quickly and join team fights.

Using the LoLTheory tool can help you pick the right champion and build the best items for your matchup, which is important for winning your lane.

Lane Trading

Trading damage with your opponent is key to winning top lane.

Attack range matters - champions with longer  range have an advantage. Know your spell cooldowns and trade when your abilities are ready and theirs aren't.

Use minions as shields against skillshots. Don't sacrifice too many minions for trades.


Place wards at around 2:30 when junglers finish their early clear.

Ward river brush or tri-brush depending on your side.

Buy Vision Wards whenever possible and keep them closer to your tower for safety. Move your vision line forward as the game progresses.

Wave Management

Controlling minion waves gives you an advantage. Be careful about trading when the enemy has more minions.

Freezing a lane means only last-hitting minions to keep the wave in a safe position. Pushing a lane means clearing enemy minions quickly to send your wave to their tower.

Both strategies deny gold and experience to your opponent when used correctly.

Using Summoner Spells

Use your summoner spells wisely:

  • Flash: Save for securing kills or escaping death
  • Ignite: Use only for all-in trades when you expect to kill
  • Teleport: Use to return to lane quickly or join team fights

For Teleport plays, aim to place your ward behind enemies to catch them off guard.

Mid and Late Game Decisions

After laning phase, you must decide whether to split-push or group with your team.

Split-pushing means pushing a side lane alone to create pressure. This works best with strong duelists and forces enemies to send multiple people to stop you, making space for your team to take objectives.

Grouping with your team is better for tanks and champions with good team fighting. Help secure objectives like Dragon and Baron.

Use Teleport to join fights quickly from side lanes.

Top Lane Tips

Here are key tips to improve your top lane gameplay:

  • Try different champions to find your style
  • Trade damage when the enemy needs to last-hit minions
  • Ward the enemy jungle to track their movements
  • Cancel Teleport if the situation changes
  • Make sure your team is ready to take objectives when you split-push

Remember that counter picks matter less at lower skill levels. Focus on learning champions you enjoy playing rather than trying to counter-pick enemies you don't understand.

The top lane might feel isolated, but with good Teleport usage and proper wave management, you can impact the entire map and help your team win.

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