Is League of Legends Dying?

Is League of Legends dying thumbnail

Is League of Legends dying? No. The game has more players now than ever before.

League of Legends reached 200 million monthly players in 2024. This number grew from 180 million players in 2022, showing a clear upward trend.

The game started with 11.5 million players in 2011. It grew to 32 million in 2012, then hit 100 million in 2017.

Now, about 1 million people play League every hour.

China leads with 75 million players. Europe West follows with 34.8 million, and North America has 27.8 million players. Korea, known for competitive gaming, has 19.8 million players.

Also, the 2025 season brings more players back with its updates. The game runs regular events and updates that keep players interested.

New champions, items, and game mechanics give players reasons to keep playing.

Numbers show League remains popular. More new players join than old players leave. The active player count rises each year, making League one of the most played games in 2024.

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