How I Fixed the League of Legends Vanguard Error - A Simple Solution That Works

League of Legends Vanguard error thumbnail

I know how frustrating the League of Legends Vanguard error can be.

I spent hours trying different solutions until I found a method that actually works.

Let me share this simple fix with you.

The most effective solution uses a combination of your mobile hotspot and regular internet connection.

Here's exactly what you need to do:

  1. Turn on your phone's mobile hotspot
  2. Connect your computer to the mobile hotspot
  3. Open League of Legends and log into the client
  4. Create a party in the game
  5. Disconnect from your mobile hotspot
  6. Connect to your regular WiFi or ethernet
  7. Check that you're still in the party
  8. Start your queue as normal

This method has helped many players get past the Vanguard error.

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