Patch 13.7 Changes

Let's dive into the details and see who got buffed, nerfed, and adjusted in patch 13.7.


Hey there, summoners! It's your boy Griffin, founder of LoLTheory, back with another patch breakdown. Riot's been busy in the lab, cooking up some tasty treats for our favorite champs, and some not-so-tasty nerfs for others. But fear not, we've got all the deets on who got buffed, who got nerfed, and who got adjusted in patch 13.7. So grab a snack, sit back, and let's dive in!


Buffs: Riot's been busy in the lab, cooking up some tasty treats for our favorite champs. Here are the lucky few who got a boost in patch 13.7:

Yasuo: Looks like the wind samurai is back in action! With a passive shield that's stronger at later levels, Yasuo's win rate has increased by a whopping 0.87% in the top lane, 0.13% in the mid lane, and even though it decreased by 1.3% in the bot lane, it's still a decent 54.24% increase in play rate. Yasuo mains, rejoice!

Katarina: The Sinister Blade has been sharpened with a passive AP ratio increase, R base AD ratio decrease, and attack speed scaling increase. Unfortunately, her win rate decreased by a massive 2.1% in the top lane, but her mid lane win rate increased by 0.11%. Katarina mains, don't give up hope just yet!

Alistar: The cow is back in the game with a base armor and health increase, resulting in a 1.1% win rate increase. With a decent 37.21% increase in play rate, Alistar is ready to charge into battle once again.

Graves: The Outlaw has been given a boost with a passive critical strike bonus increase and R cooldown decrease early. While his win rate decreased by 1.5% in the jungle, it increased by 0.11% in the mid lane and decreased by only 0.32% in the top lane. Graves mains, it's time to lock and load!

Kalista: The Spear of Vengeance has been given a slight boost with an attack damage growth increase and a passive ceremony duration decrease. While her win rate only increased by 0.2%, her play rate saw a decent 39.55% increase. Kalista mains, keep on hopping!

Azir: The Emperor of the Sands has risen from the ashes with a base armor increase, attack speed growth increase, passive duration and cast range increase, and W damage increase. His win rate skyrocketed by a massive 2.5%, making him one of the biggest winners of this patch. Azir mains, it's time to reclaim your throne!


Nerfs: Some champions got hit with the nerf bat this patch, and it wasn't pretty. Here are the unlucky few:
Annie: Her E cooldown increased and shield value decreased, leading to a small decrease in win rate from 52.75% to 52.10% in mid lane and a massive decrease from 53.28% to 50.90% in the support role. Ouch.

Zeri: Base AD increased, but passive AD and AP ratios decreased, now has a base value. Q base damage increased, AD and AP ratios decreased. W base shield value increased, AP ratio decreased. E damage increased, damage scaling with distance removed, AD ratio decreased. R base damage decreased, AD and AP ratios increased. All of these changes led to a modest decrease in win rate from 50.13% to 49.94% in the bottom lane.

Sejuani: Passive damage cap against monsters decreased. Q cooldown increased. R cooldown increased. These changes led to a very large decrease in win rate from 50.20% to 48.83% in the top lane and a massive decrease from 49.55% to 47.67% in the jungle.

Veigar: Q AP ratio now scales with level. W AP ratio now scales with level. E VFX adjusted. R AP ratio now scales with level. All of these changes led to a very large decrease in win rate from 52.72% to 51.27% in the bottom lane, a small increase from 51.43% to 51.68% in the top lane, a slight decrease from 49.50% to 49.70% in the mid lane, and a gigantic decrease from 45.47% to 40.67% in the support role. Looks like Veigar mains will have to adjust their playstyle.

Olaf: Passive attack speed reduced early. Q base damage decreased. These changes led to a large decrease in win rate from 52.08% to 50.95% in the top lane and an enormous decrease from 50.70% to 47.25% in the jungle. Olaf mains might want to take a break from the game for a bit.

Rammus: W armor scaling decreased. These changes led to a massive decrease in win rate from 50.91% to 49.05% in the top lane and a small decrease from 50.66% to 50.01% in the jungle. Rammus mains might want to roll away from this patch.

Vi: Q base damage decreased, AD ratio increased. E base damage decreased, AD ratio increased, AP ratio increased. These changes led to a modest decrease in win rate from 50.23% to 50.05% in the jungle and a decent increase from 47.01% to 48.46% in the mid lane. Vi mains might want to consider a lane swap.


Adjusted: Some champions received adjustments that didn't quite make them winners or losers, but rather kept them in check. Here are the champs that got some tweaks:

Thresh: The Chain Warden's Q cooldown refunded on hit has been decreased, resulting in a small decrease in win rate from 51.03% to 50.34% in the support role. However, his play rate saw a significant 8.40% decrease from 20.60% to 18.87%. Looks like Thresh mains will have to adjust their playstyle, but he's still a solid pick for those who can master him.

Kha'Zix: The Voidreaver's Q isolation bonus damage has been decreased, but his W slow has been increased. These changes led to a small decrease in win rate from 51.08% to 50.77% in the jungle, but his play rate remained relatively stable.

Overall, these adjustments kept these champs in check and prevented them from becoming too dominant or weak. It's important to note that even small changes can have a significant impact on a champion's win rate, so it's always worth keeping an eye on the patch notes.


And that's a wrap, folks! We've covered all the buffs, nerfs, and adjustments in patch 13.7. Whether you're a Yasuo main rejoicing over his increased shield or a Veigar main adjusting to his AP ratio changes, there's something for everyone in this patch. Remember, even small changes can have a big impact, so keep an eye on those patch notes and adjust your playstyle accordingly. Happy gaming, and may the odds be ever in your favor!

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