What Is ARAM in League of Legends?

What is ARAM

ARAM, an acronym for All Random All Mid, is a unique and beloved game mode in League of Legends (LoL), a renowned esports phenomenon developed by Riot Games. In stark contrast to the traditional Summoner's Rift game mode, ARAM brings an entirely different dynamic to the champion battlegrounds. The game mode takes place on a single-lane map known as the Howling Abyss, where players are randomly assigned a champion, leading to unpredictable, fast-paced gameplay where strategic resource management and the ability to adapt quickly to the given circumstances are key.

In this comprehensive exploration, we'll delve into the many facets that make ARAM a unique and engaging League of Legends game mode. We'll cover key aspects such as the distinctive features of the Howling Abyss map, the diverse roster of champions available in ARAM, and how the game mode differs from the standard LoL gameplay. Furthermore, we'll address the competitive nature of ARAM, discussing matchmaking rating (MMR), Elo, and how they function in this specific game mode. We'll also provide insight on the level you unlock ARAM mode and its role in player progression.

For avid skin collectors, we'll shed light on the intriguing mechanics of skin boost in ARAM mode, followed by the potential rewards up for grabs after an ARAM game. By bridging the gap between complex gaming terminologies and the enticing realm of ARAM, we aim to create an informative and enjoyable read for both new and seasoned LoL players. So gear up, summoners, and let's embark on this ARAM exploration together.

Key Features and Differences on Howling Abyss (ARAM)

The Howling Abyss, the map of the ARAM (All Random All Mid) game mode in League of Legends, offers a distinct gameplay experience compared to other modes. Here are some key features and differences that set it apart.

  1. Single Lane Combat: Unlike the traditional three-lane structure in Summoner's Rift, Howling Abyss has a single, straight lane. This creates an intensely focused battle experience where all ten players clash head-on.
  2. Random Champion Selection: Each player is randomly assigned a champion from their pool, introducing a level of unpredictability and requiring players to be skilled with a variety of champions.
  3. No Recall: Players cannot return to base to heal or purchase items. This demands strategic resource management and utilization of health relics that periodically appear on the map.
  4. Starting at Level 3: Unlike other modes where players start at level 1, in ARAM, champions start at level 3, allowing immediate access to more abilities and hastening the game pace.
  5. Accelerated Gold and XP Generation: To promote quicker gameplay, ARAM offers an increased rate of passive gold and experience gain.
  6. Unique Items: Certain items are available exclusively in ARAM, like the Poro-Snax, to feed the adorable Poros that populate the Howling Abyss.
  7. Turrets: Unlike Summoner's Rift, the turrets in ARAM are equipped with a Barrier preventing champions from bypassing them until they are destroyed, reinforcing the linear gameplay.
  8. Sudden Death: If a match lasts for more than 15 minutes, minions will grow stronger, and a sudden death rule will be applied to speed up the game conclusion.

These elements contribute to ARAM's distinctive fast-paced, high-action gameplay that continues to captivate League of Legends' players, offering a refreshing change from the strategic depth of Summoner's Rift.

List of Champions Included in ARAM

In ARAM (All Random All Mid) mode of League of Legends, the pool of champions available to a player is determined by their owned and free-to-play champions. This is the current champions list provided by League of Legends support website.

  • Aatrox
  • Ahri
  • Akali
  • Amumu
  • Annie
  • Ashe
  • Brand
  • Braum
  • Caitlyn
  • Cho'Gath
  • Darius
  • Draven
  • Ekko
  • Ezreal
  • Fiora
  • Fizz
  • Garen
  • Graves
  • Irelia
  • Janna
  • Jarvan IV
  • Jax
  • Jhin
  • Jinx
  • Karma
  • Karthus
  • Katarina
  • Kayle
  • Kha'Zix
  • LeBlanc
  • Lee Sin
  • Leona
  • Lucian
  • Lulu
  • Lux
  • Malphite
  • Maokai
  • Master Yi
  • Miss Fortune
  • Mordekaiser
  • Morgana
  • Nautilus
  • Nidalee
  • Pantheon
  • Pyke
  • Quinn
  • Renekton
  • Riven
  • Ryze
  • Sivir
  • Sona
  • Soraka
  • Thresh
  • Tristana
  • Tryndamere
  • Twisted Fate
  • Twitch
  • Varus
  • Vayne
  • Veigar
  • Vel'Koz
  • Vladimir
  • Wukong
  • Xayah
  • Zed

It’s important to note that the game occasionally introduces balance changes in ARAM mode due to the intense, all-in-one-lane gameplay. Champions can receive modifications in terms of dealt or received damage, making certain champions slightly more or less powerful compared to their performance in modes like Summoner's Rift. These alterations, specific to ARAM, are made with the aim to enhance game balance and keep the mode exciting and unpredictable.


The ARAM mode of League of Legends takes place on an iconic map known as the Howling Abyss. This is a frost-covered bridge located in the Freljord region, presenting players with a distinct environment and set of rules compared to the traditional Summoner's Rift.

The Howling Abyss map is structured as a single lane lined with structures called turrets. The teams' objectives are the destruction of the opposing team's turrets, culminating in the demolition of their Nexus, which is located at the end of each side of the lane. Unlike other maps, Howling Abyss does not feature a jungle area or neutral monster camps. This map structure encourages direct confrontations and constant action.

A noteworthy feature of this map is the presence of two Health Relic locations near the center of the lane. These periodically spawn resources that restore health and mana to champions, compensating for the inability to recall and manually replenish resources at the base.

The Howling Abyss also houses two shopkeeper locations, one for each team. However, unlike other game modes, once a champion leaves the fountain area, they can no longer purchase items until they die and respawn. This necessitates strategic item purchases and encourages efficient resource utilization.

There are environmental aspects, like the presence of Poros, which are fluffy creatures native to the Howling Abyss. Players can interact with Poros using the exclusive Poro-Snax item, adding a fun twist to the intense gameplay.

The map also includes turret barriers, inhibiting players from bypassing turrets until they're destroyed. This further reinforces the linear, confrontational nature of ARAM gameplay.

So the Howling Abyss provides a unique gameplay experience within the League of Legends universe. It streamlines the complexities of multiple lanes and jungle areas into a single, action-packed avenue, making every ARAM match an exciting, unpredictable skirmish.

Is ARAM Game Mode Competitive?

Yes, ARAM game mode in League of Legends is indeed competitive, but in a different way compared to the standard Summoner's Rift games. Despite its seemingly casual nature and faster-paced games, ARAM has a dedicated player base and its own Matchmaking Rating (MMR) system. This means that, similar to other game modes, players are matched with and against others of similar skill levels, fostering a competitive environment.

However, the random nature of champion selection adds an element of unpredictability to the game, where players' adaptability and knowledge of multiple champions play crucial roles. This makes ARAM a more spontaneous, yet competitive game mode, rewarding both quick thinking and broader game knowledge. While it may not be the focus of esports tournaments like the traditional 5v5 mode, the competition within ARAM is a major part of its appeal to many players.

How Does MMR in ARAM Game Mode Work?

Matchmaking Rating (MMR) in League of Legends' ARAM mode works in a similar way to other modes but is kept separate. ARAM MMR is an invisible rating system calculated based on your wins, losses, and the skill level of your opponents. Its purpose is to ensure you get matched with or against players of similar skill level, creating balanced and competitive matches.

However, it's important to note that ARAM has its own separate MMR. This means that your performance in ARAM won't affect your MMR in other modes like Ranked Solo/Duo or Flex. For instance, if you primarily play Summoner's Rift and decide to jump into an ARAM game, the system will use your ARAM MMR, not your Summoner's Rift MMR, to find suitable opponents and teammates for you.

Additionally, the system takes into account the fact that ARAM is a mode with randomly assigned champions, which can occasionally create skewed match-ups. As a result, the MMR calculations might slightly differ from other modes.

Remember, though MMR is hidden in League of Legends, it's a crucial element working behind the scenes to maintain the competitive integrity of every game mode, including ARAM.

What Is the Difference Between MMR and Elo?

MMR and Elo are two terms often used interchangeably in the context of League of Legends, although they represent slightly different concepts.

Elo is a rating system initially designed for chess that was originally used in the League of Legends ranked system. It was a numerical value that increased with wins and decreased with losses, with the amount dependent on the Elo of the opponent. However, League of Legends no longer uses the Elo system for its primary game modes and has moved to a tier-based system instead.

On the other hand, MMR is a hidden valuethat the system uses to match you with players of a similar skill level. It operates behind the scenes in all game modes, including ARAM. MMR rises with wins and falls with losses, but the precise amount varies based on several factors, including the average MMR of each team.

As for ARAM, while it does use MMR to create balanced matches, it does not have a visible ranking or tier system. Consequently, it doesn't utilize an Elo system. However, your performance in ARAM games still affects your ARAM MMR, meaning consistent wins will match you with (and against) players of higher skill levels.

Is There Any Way to Understand Your MMR?

Yes, understanding your MMR in League of Legends, including the ARAM MMR, is possible, but it's not straightforward as Riot Games does not publicly display a player's MMR. It's a hidden statistic used to pair you with and against players of similar skill levels to ensure balanced and fair matches.

You can infer your MMR indirectly based on the ranks of the players you are matched against and with. If you are consistently playing against players of higher rank, it's likely that your MMR is higher than your current rank. Conversely, if you're frequently matched with lower-ranked players, your MMR might be lower than your rank suggests.

Several third-party websites claim to provide an MMR estimate based on your performance and match history. These websites can give you a general idea, but it's crucial to understand that these are not official numbers and can deviate from your actual MMR.

Remember, the best way to improve your MMR is to focus on your gameplay, strategies, and overall performance in matches. Winning more games than you lose will generally lead to an increase in MMR over time.

Is There Any Way to Understand Your Elo?

Yes, there is a way to understand your Elo in League of Legends. Elo is a ranking system initially developed for chess, but it has been adapted for use in various competitive games, including LoL. It's important to note, however, that Riot Games has transitioned from the traditional Elo system to a system of Leagues and Divisions.

Your Elo, or more accurately, your League and Division in LoL, is determined based on your performance in ranked games. You climb in rank by winning ranked games and earning League Points (LP), and you can also lose LP by losing games or through inactivity (known as "decay"). If you accumulate enough LP, you'll have the opportunity to advance to a higher Division or League through a promotion series.

You can check your rank (and thus get an idea of your Elo) in the client's profile section.

Remember that the ranked system is designed to provide you with balanced matches, helping ensure that each game is competitive and fair. Your goal as a player should be to improve your skills and strategy to naturally progress in rank.

At What Level Do You Unlock the ARAM Mode?

ARAM mode in League of Legends is unlocked once your account reaches level 10. This allows new players sufficient time to familiarize themselves with the game mechanics before diving into the faster-paced and more unpredictable ARAM matches.

Do ARAM Missions Help You Level Up?

Yes, ARAM missions do contribute to your level progress in League of Legends. Completing these missions rewards you with experience points (XP), which accumulate over time to help you level up. However, the amount of XP gained from ARAM missions is typically a supplement to the XP earned through playing games, so actively participating in ARAM matches remains the most effective way to level up.

How Does the Skin Boost Mechanics Work in the ARAM Mode?

The Skin Boost feature in ARAM mode in League of Legends offers players a way to temporarily unlock a random skinfor their assigned champion in a specific match. Here's how it works:

A player can purchase a Skin Boost before the start of the game using Riot Points (RP), the game's premium currency. This purchase grants all teammates, including the purchaser, a random skin for their given champion for the duration of that game. The skin is chosen randomly from all available skins for the champion, excluding some limited-edition skins.

As an added bonus, players who participate in a match where a Skin Boost is activated also receive a small amount of orange essence, used in the Hextech Crafting system. This can be used for cosmetic unlocks, including turning skin shards into permanent skins. On some occasions, a key fragment, which can be used to open Hextech chests for additional cosmetic rewards, may also be awarded.

Keep in mind that Skin Boosts only grant temporary access to skins for the duration of the match, after which the skins will be locked again.

What Are the Rewards After an ARAM Game?

The rewards after completing an ARAM game in League of Legends are similar to other game modes. You receive Blue Essence (BE), the in-game currency used to purchase champions and specific items in the store, and Experience Points (XP) that contribute to your summoner level progression. The amount of BE and XP earned depends on the match length and whether you won or lost.

Players have a chance to earn key fragments, which can be combined to create a Hextech Key for opening Hextech Chests. These chests can contain a variety of rewards, such as champion skins, ward skins, and champion shards.

Also completing certain ARAM-specific missions can also yield rewards. These rewards vary based on the nature of the mission and can include BE, XP, emotes, icons, and other unique rewards. It's worth checking the Missions tab regularly to stay updated on the current ARAM missions.

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